Welcome by
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker and Max Mintz, GRASP REU Site Co-Directors
1:00 p.m. Mitchell Breitbart
Rising Junior in Computer Science
and English at Williams College
Advised by Dr. Daniel Koditschek;
mentored by Dr. Dan Guralnik
A Simulation Engine of a Memory Model for Autonomous Mapping and Navigation
1:15 p.m. Karena Cai
Rising Junior in Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University
Advised by Dr. Daniel Koditschek;
mentored by Jeff Duperret
Modeling and Simulation of a Flexible Spine Quadruped
1:30 p.m. Lizzie Halper
Rising Junior in Mathematics and
Scientific Computing at Kenyon College
Advised by Dr. Camillo J. Taylor;
mentored by David Isele
Robotic Olfaction: Chemical Sensing and Analysis
1:45 p.m. Patrick Husson
Rising Senior in Computer
Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Advised by Dr. Daniel Lee;
mentored by Alex Burka and Joe Trovato
Localizing and Positioning Quadrotors using Visual Fiducial Markers
2:00 p.m. Jean Mendez
Rising Senior in Computer
Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Advised by Dr. Mark Yim; mentored
by Tarik Tosun
Kinematic Retargeting: Making Robots Move More
Like Humans
2:15 p.m. Julie Ochoa-Canizares
Rising Senior in Robotics
Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic University (WPI)
Advised by Dr. Katherine J. Kuchenbecker;
mentored by Vivienne Clayton
Electromechanical Design and Control of a Novel Cable-Based Gait Rehabilitation System
2:30 p.m. Camille Ramseur
Rising Senior in Computer Science
at the University of South Florida
Advised by Dr. George Pappas;
mentored by Chinwendu Enyioha
Redundancy in Networks
2:45 p.m. Megan Tienjaroonkul
Rising Junior in Mechanical
Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
Advised by Dr. Vijay Kumar;
mentored by Philip Dames
Graphical User Interface for Multi-Target Localization
Many thanks to
the advisors, mentors, colleagues, staff, GRASP Lab, and larger Penn community
for helping make the second year of the GRASP REU Site such a success. We are especially indebted to Charity Payne and Yibin Zhang for their excellent work in running the program this
summer. Congratulations to all eight
2013 Participants!