Abstract: It is widely known that the Gaussian mixture model is related to k-means by
“small-variance asymptotics”: as the covariances of the clusters shrink, the
EM algorithm approaches the k-means algorithm and the negative
log-likelihood approaches the k-means objective. Similar asymptotic
connections exist for other machine learning models, including
dimensionality reduction (probabilistic PCA becomes PCA), multiview learning
(probabilistic CCA becomes CCA), and classification (a restricted Bayes
optimal classifier becomes the SVM). The asymptotic non-probabilistic
counterparts to the probabilistic models are almost always more scalable,
and are typically easier to analyze, making them useful alternatives to the
probabilistic models in many situations. I will explore how we can extend
such asymptotics to a richer class of probabilistic models, with a focus on
large-scale graphical models, Bayesian nonparametric models, and time-series
data. I will develop the necessary mathematical tools needed for these
extensions and will describe a framework for designing scalable optimization
problems derived from the rich probabilistic models. Applications are
diverse, and include topic modeling, network evolution, and deep feature