Zexiang Li attended the South-Central University in 1978, received his
BS (with honor) degrees in Electrical Engineering and Economics from
Carnegie-Mellon University in 1983, his MS degree in EECS in 1985, MA in
mathematics and PhD in EECS in 1989, all from the University of
California at Berkeley. He worked at ALCOA, the Robotics Institute of
CMU and the AI Lab of MIT (89-90). He was an assistantprofessor at the
Courant Institute of New York University (90-92). In 1992, he joined the
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology and is currently a professor of the
department. He founded the Automation Technology Center (ATC) and
currently serves as its director.
Zexiang Li received the ALCOA Foundation Fellowship in 1979, and the
E. Anthony Fellowship in 1983. He was a recipient of the University
Scholar award from CMU in 1983, the E.I. Jury award from UC Berkeley in
1989, the Research Initiation award from NSF (US) in 1990, the
Outstanding Young Researcher award (Class B) from NSF China in 2000, the
LEAD award from AMI, USA in 2001, and the Natural Science award (3rd
class) from China in 1997. He became an IEEE Fellow in 2008.
Zexiang Li served as a panel member of the Hong Kong Research Grants
Council (RGC), an overseas member of the Natural Science Foundation of
China (NSFC), and an associate editor for the IEEE Trans. on Robotics
and Automation. He was the general Chair for the 2011 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Zexiang Li’s research areas of interests include multifingered
robotic hand, parallel manipulators, workpiece localization and
inspection, motion control, precision assembly, and unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs). He is the author of more than 100 journal and
conference papers, and the books A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic
Manipulation (CRC Press 1993), and Nonholonomic Motion Planning (Kluwer
Zexiang Li cofounded several companies with his colleagues and
students from the Automation Technology Center, including Googol
Technology, the first motion control company in China, iFlight
Technology (or Dajian In- novation), a leading company in UAV products,
Parallex, a company specializing in LED and IC packaging automation
equipment, and Lie Group Automation.