Ning Yu
Robotics MSE '15 - CS PhD, University of Maryland, Max Planck Institute for Informatic
I am a Ph.D. student studying Computer Science through the Maryland Max Planck Program, where my advisor at UMD is Prof. Larry Davis and my advisor at MPI-INF is Prof. Mario Fritz.
My current research aspirations lie in computer vision, computer graphics, and deep learning. My research goal is to design practical algorithms by effectively modeling the complementarity between vision and graphics problems, so as to reach breakthroughs from vision to graphics or vice versa. Specifically, I am eager to enable applications derived from this intersection, e.g., image-based modeling and rendering that couple with visual semantics. Motivated by big visual data, powerful hardware computation, and the success of deep learning, I am also enthusiastic about, but not limited to, parametric data-driven approaches.
In addition, I have interests and knowledge spanning the areas of medical imaging, machine learning, optimization, and mathematical modeling.
My LinkedIn profile is here.