“Threading the Needle with GRASP’s Latest Quadrotor Trick” in @PennEngineering

September 14th, 2016

“Threading the Needle with GRASP’s Latest Quadrotor Trick” in @PennEngineering

September 14, 2016

“The steady stream of viral quadrotor videos shot by GRASP researchers tend to have one thing in common: their robotic stars are bathed in the infrared light of motion-tracking cameras. Covering the entire flying space from multiple angles, the suite of cameras tell the robots exactly where they are at all times. With weight at a premium, this means that the quads don’t need to carry their own cameras and trajectory-calculating computers to navigate. These lighter, nimbler robots can pull off some pretty aggressive moves.
PERCH, the Penn Engineering Research and Collaboration Hub that occupies the third floor of the recently opened Pennovation Center, features a bigger flying space and a new set of infrared cameras, but there was no need to turn them on this time.”

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