
Autonomous Robotic Rotorcraft for Exploration, Surveillance and Transportation (ARREST)

Autonomous Robotic Rotorcraft for Exploration, Surveillance and Transportation (ARREST)

In this NSF sponsored Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) project, we are creating partnerships with small-business entrepreneurs in the area of micro aerial vehicles with applications to agriculture, security, law enforcement and first response. The partnership will enable the translation of fundamental, federally-sponsored, research results into products with societal benefits and commercial impact by implementing a loosely structured, commercially focused “play-like sandbox” environment among its partners. The Y-Prize competition at Penn is designed to explore novel applications and create new companies. In particular, Kumar Lab is partnering with KMel Robotics on multi-UAV systems and inspection in complex, 3-D environments, and IDENTIFIED in site surveying and aerial mapping.

Autonomous Robotic Rotorcraft for Exploration, Surveillance and Transportation (ARREST)