NEXT EVENT Spring 2025 GRASP SFI: Qinghua Liu, Microsoft Research, “When Is…
GRASP Lab Awarded NSF Grant to Provide Research Experience for Middle School Teachers
August 26, 2015
Faculty News
“Penn’s new engineering dean is off to a flying start” on Philly.Com
Student News
“Penn’s THORwIn Takes Home Gold at RoboCup” in Penn News
August 6, 2015
“Visualizing the Future of Robotics” in Penn Engineering News
August 5, 2015
“US humanoids defeat Iran team in football RoboCup final” in Aljazeera News
July 23, 2015
“Battle of the bots: US blocks Iran and putters ball to glory in RoboCup finals” in The Guardian
Robert Ghrist featured in The Pennsylvania Gazette
July 15, 2015
“Penn Wharton China Center kicks off with “First 100 Days” celebrations, incorporating all 12 of Penn’s schools” in the Daily Pennsylvanian
July 14, 2015
“Flying Smartphones: Automated Flight Enabled by Consumer Electronics” featured on front page of IEEE Robotics and Automation, June Issue
July 9, 2015
Vijay Kumar featured speaker at TedXPenn April 12, 2015
July 2, 2015