NEXT EVENT Spring 2025 GRASP SFI: Qinghua Liu, Microsoft Research, “When Is…
GRASP Newsletter Spring 08
August 10, 2009
Faculty News
George Pappas and Vijay Kumar organized the 11th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER) in Athens, Greece
Alumni News
GRASP Alumnus Hany Farid published an article about Digital Forensics
Robert Ghrist is appointed a PIK Professor at UPenn
GRASP lab featured in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Student News
Nora Ayanian wins Best Student Paper at ICRA 2008
Hadas Kress-Gazit has been awarded the Charles Hallac and Sarah Keil Wolf Award
Nader Motee has been awarded the Joseph and Rosaline Wolf Award
Little Ben is featured on CBS-3
“Cutting-Edge Robots Show Off in Japan – ICRA 2009 will showcase everything from tree-climbing machines to robots that politely ask for directions.”
May 12, 2009