Xiang Deng
Robotics MSE '17- ETH Zurich
During my studies at Penn, I was a research staff member from Prof. Dan Lee’s group at the GRASP Lab, after my MS in Robotics at Penn in May 2017. I worked with Prof. Dan Lee on the dynamics of humanoid robots, more specifically, humanoid robots’ locomotion and push recovery with stability guarantees. I was also honored to collaborate with Prof. Cynthia Sung on the design of origami-inspired compliant legged robots design. One thing I really enjoy about studying the dynamics and design of legged robots is that it constantly inspires me to explore the science behind how humans or animals move or locomote and to create new ideas for research.
At Penn I was also in charge of the core developments of Penn’s robotics soccer team (2017 – 2018). Our team accomplished 3rd place in Robocup 2017 Standard Platform Challenge Shield and 3rd place in US Open 2017. Supported by Prof. Dan Lee, we were also the host of Robocup US open 2018 at Penn, where we achieved 2nd place. I believe robotics competition is a great way to demonstrate scientific and engineering solutions in practical settings and also to connect robotics research with broader audiences.
Research Groups
Leveraging compliance in origami robot legs for robust and natural locomotion
Publisher International Meeting of Origami Science, Mathematics, and Education