NEXT EVENT Spring 2025 GRASP SFI: Qinghua Liu, Microsoft Research, “When Is…
Jaeheon Jeong
Robotics MSE - Accelerated Master's
Douglas Jerolmack
Professor, MEAM (SEAS) & Earth and Environmental Science (SAS)
Neeraj Jhawar
Robotics MSE '11 - Software Engineer, ZBE Inc.
Zetong Jia
Robotics MSE '21
Ruo Jia
Robotics MSE '21 - Software Engineer, Google
Lejun Jiang
Robotics MSE '22 - Nuro
Wen Jiang
Zhihao Jiang
Robotics MSE '10; Assistant Professor, ShanghaiTech University
Bowen Jiang
Xijie Jiao
Robotics MSE '24
Alberto Jimenez
Robotics MSE '18 - Software Engineer, Salesforce
Qi Jin
Robotics MSE '21 - Rockwell Automation
Wanxin Jin
PostDoc, MEAM '21-'23 - Assistant Professor at Arizona State University
William Johnson
Robotics MSE 18' - PhD Candidate Yale University
Michelle Johnson
Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Secondary Faculty, BE
Aaron Johnson
PhD, ESE '14, Associate Professor - Carnegie Mellon University
Christopher Jones
Robotics MSE '11
Agung Julius
PostDoc MEAM 05' - 08'; Professor of ECSE at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jae Yun Jun
PhD, ESE '08
Sang-Hack Jung
Jennifer Jung
Robotics MSE '23
Luke Jungmann
Robotics MSE '19
Ryan Jurewicz
Robotics MSE '22
Leon Kabue