NEXT EVENT Spring 2025 GRASP SFI: Qinghua Liu, Microsoft Research, “When Is…
PhD Alumni
Philip DeZonia
Robotics MSE '19 - Mechanical Engineer, NAVSEA
Arnav Dhamija
Robotics MSE '21
Paramveer Singh Dhillon
PhD, CIS '14
Rafael Dimaano
Robotics MSE '20
Elaida Dimwamwa
Robotics MSE '17 - PhD. Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology
Karan Doni
Robotics MSE '12
Ian Donnellan
Robotics MSE '11
Max Doppelt
Neel Doshi
Charles Drazba
Robotics MSE '23
Weiyu Du
Robotics MSE '21 - Google
Yanwei Du
Robotics MSE '14
Feifei Duan
Robotics MSE '19
Justin Duhamel
Robo MSE '23
Jeffrey Duperret
PhD, ESE '19; Principal Engineer, Ghost Robotics
Hugh Durrant-Whyte
PhD, SYS '86 - University of Sydney
Alexander Eagan
Nick Eckenstein
PhD, MEAM '19
Geoffrey Egnal
PhD, CIS '02 - Ab Initio Software
Noam Eisen
Ariel Eizenberg
Robotics MSE '16 - Senior Principal Software Engineer, Amazon Web Services
Anvith Ekkati
Robotics MSE '18, Staff Software Engineer at Niantic, Inc
Noam Elul
Robotics MSE - Accelerated Master's '23
Chinwendu Enyioha
PhD, ESE '14 - Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
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