NEXT EVENT Spring 2025 GRASP SFI: Student Lightning Talks, Session 1
PhD Alumni
Michael Kofron
Robotics MSE '15 - Robotics Research LLC
Jonathan Kogan
Robotics MSE - Accelerated Master's '22
Alexander Koldy
Robotics MSE '24
Thomas Koletschka
Robotics MSE '13 - Berkshire Grey
Nikolaos Kolotouros
PhD, CIS '22
Ji Hyun (Sally) Kong
Robotics MSE '17 - Lead Technical Director, Blue Sky Studios
Ravi Teja Konkimalla
Robotics MSE '21
Vidula Kopli
Robotics MSE '20
Jana Kosecka
PhD, CIS '96 - George Mason University
David Kotfis
Robotics MSE '15 - Software Engineer, Oculus VR
Fragkiskos Koufogiannis
PhD, ESE '17
Shrinidhi Kowshika Lakshmikanth
Robotics MSE '10
Peter Kraus
PhD, MEAM '02
Nadia Kreciglowa
Robotics MSE '19 - Robotics Engineer, Multiply Labs
Hadas Kress-Gazit
PhD, ESE '08 - Professor, Cornell University
Diedra Krieger
Lab Coordinator - Kod*Lab (2012- 2023)
Nikhil Krishnan
Robotics MSE - Submatric
Rahul Krishnan
Eric Krotkov
PhD, CIS '87 - Toyota Research
Venkat Krovi
PhD, MEAM '98 - Michelin Endowed Chair Professor of Vehicle Automation, Clemson University
Katherine Kuchenbecker
GRASP Faculty Member until '18
Dhanushka Kularatne
PostDoc, MEAM '19
Adarsh Kulkarni
Robotics MSE '21 - Autonomy and AI Applications Engineer, Ghost Robotics
Harshat Kumar
Robotics MSE '19
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