NEXT EVENT GRASP Seminar: Shlomi Laufer, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology,…
PhD Alumni
Richard Reynolds
PhD '85
Madeline Rice
Robotics MSE - Submatric '20
Sharon Richu Shaji
Robotics MSE '23; Systems Application Engineer II - Industrial Robotics at SICK Inc.
Hans Riess
PhD, ESE '22 - Postdoctoral Associate at Duke University
Sonia Roberts
ESE, PhD '21 - Postdoctoral Research Associate at Northeastern University
Caio Rodrigues Mucchiani
PhD, MEAM '21 - Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, Riverside
Joe Romano
PhD, MEAM '12 - Rethink Robotics
David Rosenthal
PhD, CIS '78
Sarah Rossman
Robotics MSE '21
Mohammad Rostami
Robotics MSE '16, PhD ESE'19, Faculty member at USC CS department
Shane Rozen-Levy
PhD, MEAM '23 - Boston Dynamics
Jacob Rozich
Robotics MSE '09 - Navy
Zhihao Ruan
Robotics MSE '22 - TuSimple, Inc.
Oleh Rybkin
PhD, CIS '23, University of California Berkeley
Divyanshu Sahu
Robotics MSE '23
Selman Sakar
PhD, ESE '10 - Assistant Professor, Institute of Mechanical Engineering (EPFL)
Tahiya Salam
PhD, ESE '22 - VIAM
David Saldaña
PostDoc, MEAM '19 - Lehigh University
Marcos Salganicoff
Viraj Sampat
Robotics MSE '24 - University of Pennsylvania
Lucas Sanjuan
Robotics MSE '10
Bharath Sankaran
Robotics MSE '12 - CTO, Scaled Robotics
Nitin Jannatha Sanket
Robotics MSE '16; Assistant Professor Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Director of Perception and Autonomous Robotics Group(PeAR)
Hari Santhanam
Robotics MSE '22
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