NEXT EVENT Fall 2024 GRASP Seminar: GRASP Research Overview – Day 2
PhD Alumni
Shall Chee Shih
Robotics MSE '22 - Nuro
Rosalind Shinkle
Robotics MSE '19 - Robotics Engineer, Boston Dynamics
Babak Shirmohammadi
PhD, CIS '12 - SightLogix Inc.
Yash Shirsath
Robotics MSE - Submatric '20
Daigo Shishika
PostDoc, MEAM '20
Shreyas Shivakumar
Robotics MSE '17 - PhD, CIS
Shashank Shivkumar
Robotics MSE '18 - Advanced AI Engineer, Honeywell
Maxwell Shoer
Robotics MSE '19
Daniel Shuter
Robotics MSE '18 - Zuko, Inc.
Philip Sieg
Robotics MSE '23
Anushree Singh
Robotics MSE '15 - Apple
Anisha Singrodia
Robotics MSE '24 - GPR
Pramath Sinha
PhD '91, Indian School of Business
Nivedha Sivakumar
Robotics MSE '19 - Applied Machine Learning Engineer, Apple
Kausik Sivakumar
Sakthivel Sivaraman
Robotics MSE '18 - Software Engineer, NVIDIA
Orestis Skoutellas
Robotics MSE, Accelerated Master's - '23
Kenneth Sloan
PhD, CIS '77 - University of Alabama at Birmingham
Brandon Smith
Robotics MSE '17
Erik Smith
Robotics MSE '08 - Navy
Jared Sobel
Robotics MSE '18 - Kulicke & Soffa
Tarek Sobh
PhD, CIS '91, President- Lawrence Technological University
Michael Sobrepera
Robotics MSE '19, PhD, MEAM '22
Franc Solina
PhD, CIS '87 - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
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