NEXT EVENT GRASP Seminar: Shlomi Laufer, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology,…
Bridge risk investigation diagnostic grouped exploratory (BRIDGE) bot
Publisher IROS
Year 2017
Calibration-free network localization using non-line-of-sight ultra-wideband measurements
Publisher ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)
Coarse-to-fine volumetric prediction for single-image 3D human pose
Publisher IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Coding Schemes for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems Against Stealthy Data Injection Attacks
Publisher IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Concurrent Control of Mobility and Communication in Multirobot Systems
Publisher IEEE Transactions on Robotics
Configuration recognition with distributed information for modular robot
Publisher International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR)
Connecting the dots: Embodied visual perception from first-person cameras
Publisher IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA)
Control of multiple microrobots with multiscale magnetic field superposition
Publisher International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS)
Convolutional random walk networks for semantic image segmentation
Cooperative prediction of time-varying boundaries with a team of robots
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)