NEXT EVENT Fall 2024 GRASP SFI: Jun-Yan Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University, “Ensuring…
Manipulation by Feel: Touch-Based Control with Deep Predictive Models
Publisher ICRA
Year 2019
Mavnet: An effective semantic segmentation micro-network for mav-based tasks
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Maximum Information Bounds for Planning Active Sensing Trajectories
Publisher IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Mechanical and virtual compliance for robot locomotion in a compliant world
Publisher IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Micromechanical Systems: Atomic Layer Deposition for Membranes, Metamaterials, and Mechanisms (Adv. Mater. 29/2019)
Publisher Advanced Materials
Minimal edge addition for network controllability
Publisher IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
Minimal Reachability is Hard to Approximate
Publisher IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Minimal unimodal decomposition on trees
Publisher Journal of Applied and Computational Topology
Mitigating energy loss in a robot hopping on a physically emulated dissipative substrate